Books/Thai Song

แฟนเก็บ / (Hidden Lover)

颐光 2022. 2. 19. 01:46

Title: แฟนเก็บ / Faen Gep (Hidden Lover)
Artist: Takkatan Cholada
 ผู้หญิงนอกอ้อมแขน / Poo Ying Nauk Aum Kaen (The Woman Outside Your Embrace)
Year: 2008


Yah hai krai roo wah rao kob gun
t let anyone know were dating
Keu kum tee tur nun yum dteuan chun yoo samur
Those are the words you always keep reminding me
Tur bauk wahng jahk dtua jing laeo tur ja reep mah jur
You told me when you were free from reality, you
d hurry and find me
รู้ไหมน้ำตาฉันเอ่อ เมื่อเธอหันหลังจากลา
Roo mai num dtah chun ur meua tur hun lung jahk lah
Do you know my tears well up when you turn and leave?

Lahn soh hua jai chunw ai chai ngahn
Chaining my heart and keeping it accessible to you
Dtae mai hai kwahm sumkun yok yaung auk nah auk dtah
Yet you don
t give me importance or respect openly
Pen dtookadtah klai ngao yoo haung chao koy tur toh mah
m a doll to relieve your lonelyness, kept in your hotel room waiting for you to call
Meua tur neuk wahk mah hah chun jeung mee kah nai tahna faen
When will you consider seeing me and giving me the value of the status of being your girlfriend?

(*) แฟนเก็บอยู่แบบเจ็บๆอย่างคนเป็นน้อย
Faen gep yoo baep jep jep yahng kon pen noy
Being a hidden girlfriend hurts like someone insignificant
Mee nah tee koy chuay tur buntao yaum ngao aum kaen
I have a face that waits to help alliviate you when you
re lonely with an embrace
Mai chai dtua jing pen mai dai mae dtae dtua taen
m not real, I cant be even a replacement
Kae kon tee tur lob faen aep mah hah welah jai chao
m just someone for you to erase your girlfriend with, secretly coming to see when your heart is withering

(**) หากใครสักคนเขาเดินเข้ามาคบฉันออกหน้าออกตา
Hahk krai suk kon kao dern kao mah kob chun auk nah auk dtah
If anyone walks into my life and is willing to date me openly
Hai giat wah chun keu faen kao
And give me the respect of calling me their girlfriend
Yahk tahm tur doo suk kum ploy chun pai dai reu plao
I want to ask you to think about that; would you be able to let me go?
Reu ja kung chun wai nai ngao tum nah tee faen gep jon dtai
Or would you imprison me in loneliness to perform the duty of a hidden lover until I die?


I want to ask you to think about that; would you be able to let me go?
Reu ja kung chun wai nai ngao tum nah tee faen gep jon dtai
Or would you imprison me in loneliness to perform the duty of a hidden lover until I die?