
Prison Break: The Final Break

颐光 2017. 5. 15. 01:11

Michael and Sara wed, but the happiness is short lived when the Feds apprehend her for the murder of Michael's mother, Christina. once a hit is ordered on Sara, the team reunite to break out an increasing vulnerable Sara.




(creator) (as Paul T. Scheuring), (teleplay) 


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Two lovers have been through hell and back fighting for their lives. When they finally attempt to start a life, one is apprehended by the FBI for a murder that was actually self-defense. In prison, she becomes increasingly vulnerable. After a beat down from the guards and a bounty for her head, her husband reunites with old friends and attempts 'The Final Break'.

Version 1

User Reviews

A Great couple of Episodes made into a movie
30 March 2011 | by (United States) – See all my reviews

I was surprised when I saw this movie available on eBay, I didn't know of it's existence so I hurriedly awaited this gap filling movie between the last episode and the final 3 minutes of the last episode. I have 2 major complaints about the movie, the first is a major hole in the story. Sarah is arrested for killing Christina Scofield but her name isn't listed as Scofield so the police arrest her for murdering a respected business woman. The arrest would be covered under the immunity portion of handing over Scylla and also a simple blood test would prove that Christina was Christina Scofield, this could have been handled in 1 hour at the police station. Movie over, Sarah free. Second complaint is one of casting, Lori Petty???? that was a horrid choice to play the main adversary in prison. She cannot act and her pathetic overly played character was a major distraction. I spent most of her scenes saying" wow does she suck", did none of these people in casting ever see one of her previous movies where she annoys the bejezzus out of you every time she opens her mouth? I mean damn, watch A League of their own and see that Madonna is 100 times less annoying than Lori Petty, now that's a major feat.

All in all, it was a good movie/2 episodes slapped together. I wish they would have made a 5th season and this could have been a 14 episode arc and then show each character happily ever after and finally Michael die after his kid is born instead of how he did in this movie. I still hate that they killed him in the first place.

This movie is a must see for all fans of the series. It adds to the story but not enough, I personally would likes to have seen Mahone hook up with the hot black bald chick in this movie and maybe Gretchen get out and see her kid but it was still a good addition to the series.

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