

颐光 2017. 5. 14. 20:36

Lyle Jensen is subject to sudden and violent outbursts, and he is committed to the juvenile wing of the Northwood Mental Institution. Several other youths are there with a variety of serious problems. Lyle interacts with other patients and staff on a human, and sometimes not so human level. The psychological problems of the patients also forms the fabric by which we see what's right with them, and what's wrong with the society that affects them.



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User Reviews

29 April 2004 | by See all my reviews

Alright, some reviews on this 'motion picture' are a little rough, and thats fine because everyone is entitled to their own personal opinions. So/But i figured i'll put mine out there too, so everyone doesn't think this is a horrible movie not worth your time/money.

The directing/cinematogrophy. . .alright, the director wanted it to feel personal, and up close. Like a documentary. And he suceeded. You have alot of upclose shots of the characters, which works in this type of movie. its filmed in DV to give it that 'raw' feel, as the director said in the behind the scenes stuff. Also the camera's, if not always, are mostly hand held and a tiny bit shakey. But again, it works for this type of film.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays his part just. . he's perfect in it, so is Zooey, she's absolutely beautiful in her character. So with those two, the movies already worth watching, IMHO. Then you add the ward Doctor, Don Cheadie, he's just, amazing in this.

Yes, i know this is one of those reviews that sounds like i was paid by the director to write, but its not that way. I thought this movie was perfect, even the soundtrack was great. But hey, i'm just some guy, writing a review, on a movie i liked. This is all in my little humble opinion.

I say, if you read a bad review, or hear it from the critics, watch it anyway. you might just like it

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